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Roularta Media Group, Belgium’s most important editor, relies on EIZO
Roularta Media Group (RMG was founded in 1954) is a Belgian stock exchange-listed multimedia group. They count more than 2,000 employees and realize a total combined revenue of 500 million euros.
Roularta Media Group has approximately 1,041 EIZO monitors in use. All monitors used for layout are checked once a year, the monitors used for image processing are calibrated once a month and the monitors used for color proofing are calibrated on a daily basis because of the quality requirements of the tasks.
RMG owns a 50% share of Medialaan NV, which accommodates its TV and radio activities. In the area of television, there is the family television channel VTM that addresses the wider public.
There is also the Q2 entertainment channel with a strong supply of top American series, movies, sports and adventure reality programmes. Furthermore, there are also Vitaya and CaZ, two channels respectively oriented towards women and men. The Q group groups the radio activities of Medialaan NV with the successful radio station “Qmusic” for active adults and “Joe”, with its focus on listeners in their thirties and forties.
RMG also has a 50% share in Regionale Media Maatschappij among which two West-Flemish TV channels: Focus TV and WTV, and a 50% share in RTVM, the national advertising agency for regional broadcasters. Kanaal Z/Canal Z (100% Roularta) is the dedicated Belgian news and business channel that reaches over 1.3 million viewers weekly.
Roularta’s “Local Media” division provides full internet services to local advertisers. “Digilocal” comprises the creation of websites and e-shops. It supports websites with Google Adwords and with Proxistore regional advertising on the largest websites, with advertising via Facebook, electronic newsletters (Proxiletter). Storesquare, finally, is the e-commerce platform for local commerce with already more than 1,000 affiliated shops in the starting year 20
"EIZO has been chosen because of the quality. Colour, gamut and quality are of extreme importance, and EIZO was able to offer them at an affordable price."
Roularta Media Group
We visited the plant in Roeselare and asked: Why EIZO?
EIZO has been chosen because of the quality. Colour, gamut and quality are of extreme importance, and EIZO was able to offer them at an affordable price. All the monitors need to have an optimal deltaE and uniformity, which EIZO was able to provide.
Roularta is also working with external clients and on different locations. Whereas in the past someone was forced to drive between several locations to show the hard copy colorproofs and get the colour approved, nowadays they can rely on the profiles of the EIZO monitors and see the exact same colours on all different locations, using Kodak InSiteColor.
Roularta is also one of the founders of the WOWG, Web Offset Working Group. The WOWG created some standard profiles for each type of paper in collaboration with eci. And of course, one of the items you need in this case is a monitor upon which you can trust, EIZO ColorEdge.
Roularta Media Group also needs to be informed regularly about the roadmap of the various EIZO product lines, and yearly gets a demo session of the new products.
Finally, not only the image but also ergonomics are very important. Every employee working with a monitor is subject to a biannual visual check, another reason to choose EIZO.
EIZO is very proud to be chosen by Roularta Media Group and wishes to thank Mr. Danis, Mrs. Pinoy and Mr. Couckuyt for their confidence in us.
ColorEdge graphic monitors from EIZO
Professional image editing monitors for photo, media and video editing.