EIZO Monitor Test

EIZO Tools

The EIZO monitor test lets you quickly and easily assess your monitor’s image quality.



The EIZO monitor test lets you quickly and easily assess your monitor’s image quality. You can carry out 13 individual tests to check how uniform the image display is across the entire monitor, for example, or if the text is displayed sharply. You can check your monitor for defective pixels and get a sense of its viewing angle stability. Put your monitor to the test now!

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The EIZO monitor test consists of various test scenarios that your monitor can handle to a greater or lesser extent, depending on the model. For example, gaming monitors are distinguished by particularly short response times, whereas graphic monitors impress with a particularly homogenous image display and smooth gradients.

You should therefore always assess your monitor within the context of its respective device category. For this reason, please note the manufacturer specifications (especially for the defective pixel test). It is recommended that you carry out the monitor test in a dark room. This allows you to precisely assess even dark image areas.

EIZO Monitor Test

Preparation for Monitor Test

In order to ensure meaningful test results, your monitor should already be warmed up prior to testing (ideally for 30 minutes). You should also clean the display prior to testing, since reflected light could cause dust particles to look like defective pixels.

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