Legal notice

The information on the website (homepage) has been checked carefully and is based on the status at the time of creation. Despite all possible measures, we cannot guarantee that all details are wholly complete, accurate, and up-to date.

Registered Address:

EIZO Limited
1 Queens Square
Ascot Business Park
Lyndhurst Road
United Kingdom

Telephone: +44 1344 317 480

Colin Woodley
Minoru Kontani

Register entries: 
Company Registration Number: 7738824

Tax identification number (VAT ID no.)
GB 119 7226 09

WEEE directive unique producer number:

EIZO Limited WEEE Policy:

  • Collections will be free of charge for 40 or more displays. Where the quantity is less than 40 the customer has the option of waiting until we have other collections in that area (milk round) or paying for our collection costs. Alternatively the customer can ship them back to our partner organisation who will conduct the recycling.
  • Unless otherwise stated, where we have offered a discount that is less than our published prices this discount is offered in exchange for transferring our WEEE obligations over to the customer, whereby the WEEE obligations becomes the customers responsibility. By accepting these terms of trading, the customer is accepting full responsibility for the sale disposal (in accordance with their local enactment of the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive 2006/66/EC, including any subsequent amendments or replacement legislation, and local waste regulations) of any waste electrical and electronic equipment that has been supplied by EIZO Ltd.
  • We will use partners that meet the appropriate regulatory approvals for disposal of the collected WEEE.
  • Where WEEE is being replaced with products that we are supplying we will, where possible and if appropriate use any residual value from the WEEE to subsidise the cost of the replacement items.

COVID-19 Policy

As the Coronavirus situation across the globe continues, we need to ensure the wellbeing of our staff, customers and Suppliers. As such, we will continue to monitor and follow Government, NHS England and WHO (World Health Organisation) advice daily. At present we are currently operating a business as usual service, but are regularly reviewing the situation to ensure the safety of all.
No one can predict the full impact of this virus and it continues to be a moving target. Following the recent Government announcements, our engineers will attend, as a priority, sites where service is essential. We will endeavour to meet all customer contractual SLA’s, but due to circumstances outside of our control there may be times, despite our reasonable endeavours, this may not possible.
In line with guidance from the UK Government and World Health Organisation, on the prevention of the spread of the virus, we have been putting precautionary safety measures in place including:

  • Monitoring staff sickness and ensuring staff are aware of symptoms to look out for
  • Educating our staff on prevention
  • We have shared with staff the guidelines for frequent and proper handwashing
  • Providing hand sanitisers, masks and PPE (to be used as and when necessary)
  • Following government advise any staff showing cold/flu like symptoms will for 7 days self-isolate/work from home.
  • EIZO Limited has put in place a specific and detailed Coronavirus policy that has been communicated to all staff and tested

For our Engineers working on site:

  • Engineers are instructed to use all appropriate and relevant PPE equipment as advised on a regular basis when working on site and to keep washing their hands on a regular basis
  • We have implemented a ‘no handshake’ policy for all staff
  • Engineers will adhere to the ‘two metre’ rule to distance themselves where possible
  • Engineers will not request customers to provide an electronic signature or to complete a customer survey on their mobile devices during this time and whilst the virus remains a threat
  • Engineers are expected to adhere to and follow all site instructions and policies, particularly in respect to this virus

Our Business Continuity Plan has been reviewed, modified and tested in light of the new Coronavirus threat. Depending on government guidelines we are confident it will ensure continuation of our services.
If you have any questions, please email:

EIZO Limited Fair Processing Notice:

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