Ergonomic computer workstation

Ergonomic computer workstation

How to set up an ergonomic computer workstationThe importance of setting up ergonomic workstations is a topic that is on everyone’s lips. However, hardly anyone seems to know how to create a good…

best monitor

The right monitor for your home office

The right monitor for your home officeIn a changing labour market, home office is already common practice in some companies and has been a…

keeping your eyes alert

Keeping your eyes alert

Why do your eyes tire when working on the computer?When you are sitting at your computer, your eyes get tired.This is unavoidable if you are sitting up close to your screen for an extended period.…

Workstation for people with visual impairments 1

Workstation for people with visual impairments

Workstation for people with visual impairmentsWorking with screens is becoming increasingly common in today’s workplace, and it is rare to see a screen-free workstation. More and more often, people…