Forensic Centre Teylingereind
Forensic Centre Teylingereind aims for a professional uniform appearance, high quality and durability.
Forensic Centre Teylingereind is a young offenders' institution. "Around 92 boys are staying with us.
They are placed by order of the juvenile court in a closed environment and are treated in one of the short- or long-stay groups. We offer the youth structure, teaching them skills and working with them on a successful return to society. “The EV2336-BK EIZO monitors are used in the office and residence departments.
Richard Warmerdam, Senior System Administrator with Forensic Centre Teylingereind, explains why the EIZO monitors were selected, “We made a choice between the HP monitors (this was the brand that we were previously standardized on) and the EIZO monitors.
"We had no problems with the old monitors, but they were smaller and in terms of appearance it had also become a "mess". For us a professional uniform appearance, quality and sustainability were important requirements from the monitors."
“To be honest, we saw little difference in the quality of the image. Decisive for us was the fact we were given a five-year warranty on the monitor and the EcoView functions. The price difference between the two monitors was not so big, that we could not justify the choice for EIZO.”
Meanwhile, Forensic Centre Teylingereind used the monitors for some time and these are their findings: “The monitors have been in use now for a few months at the offices of the employees and everybody is very happy. In the beginning, the EcoView settings were set too sharp and allowed the monitor to quickly change to “save mode”, after revising this we had nothing but satisfied users.
“Warranty is, as already described above, an important part of our decision making. We needed the warranty programme on one occasion and were very satisfied with the handling of this request.
“We simply chose fine monitors that look good, and that meet the requirements we have imposed. Along with a good warranty and service from EIZO, we at the IT department have little to worry about and can turn our attention to other activities.”